Tuesday, December 18, 2012

GM Crops

This picture shows corn getting new genes placed into it

The United States Department of Agriculture have made it so farmers have to buy the genetically modified crops themselves.The USDA wants the farmers to have part of the financial burden if all of the crops are ruined by accidental GM drift. GM drift is when organic plants that are near GMO's are infected by the GM plant. "Of particular concern in the report is the recommendation that organic and non-GE conventional farmers pay to self-insure themselves against unwanted GE contamination," said a recent statement issued by the National Organic Coalition. "This proposal allows USDA and the agricultural biotechnology industry to abdicate responsibility for preventing GE contamination while making the victims of GE pollution pay for damages resulting from transgenic contamination.". Farmers have had to deal with GM drift for a long time and usually the corporation that paid them would pay for the crops, but now the USDA wants the farmers to pay for it.

Questions -

1. What is GM drift?

2. Do you think farmers should pay for the ruined crops?

3. Do you think the USDA should be the ones to decide this?


  1. Opinion/Reflection:
    After reading this article, I think it is unfair that the farmers have to buy genetically modified crops by themselves. I think that GM's will impact farmers and people that are poor becuse thay cost money and manufacturers are focusing more on the cost of the GM crops. I knew about GMO's but I never knew of GM drift. This is a big deal in my opinion because many people buy organic food and if the GM's are getting and impacting those crops, then peolpe are getting tricked because they don't know whats happening to their food and certain people may have allergic reactions to the GM's in their food. I think that the USDA should pay for the GM drift impact and that they should buy the GM's for the farmers because most farmers are poor and don't have enough money.

    1. Who do you think that the farmers need to pay for the GM drift impact and for the GM crops or the USDA?

    2. Do you think people should be informed if the organic crops that they are buying are impacted by GM crops?

    3. If the farmers continue to pay for the GM crops and the GM drift, do you think that they will protest or stop buying the crops?

    4. If you were a farmer and you had to pay for the GM's, how would you feel?

  2. 1. I think farmers need to pay for the GM drifts because it is their job to be watching over that type of thing and being more cauious. I Also think the farmers should pay for the GM crops because they are the ones getting a profit for it.
    2. Yes they should because they are buying an organic crop not a GM one.
    3. They will stop buying or prostest if they don't like it or it becomes to much for them.
    4. I wouldn't be mad, and GM's are expensive they should have to pay for them.

  3. Hello I was picked to invite a professional this week, and I chose Dr. Jane Rissler. She has a PhD and is an environmentalism and studies GMO's with her colleagues. She is a Senior Science writer and staff director, and I thought she would be perfect to comment on our blog. She studies GMO's everyday of her life and I believe she would have great incite for our blog topic. I saw her articles she wrote about GMO's and there was a lot of useful info. I think she is a great choice for commenting on our blog due to her experience and expertise. Here is a copy of the email I sent her.

    Hello my name is Roman Dolinay and I am a 9th grade student at Hatboro- Horsham Senior High School in Horsham, PA. In my environmental science class we are learning about GMO's and the environmental controversies surrounding the use of GMO's. We have a blog that we must make posts on every month, and we must talk about a current even or issue that is controversial. 1 person must invite a professional, so I chose to write to you. One of my classmates wrote an article about GMO's and I was wondering if you could come at look at our blog and comment, if you have the time. I hope you come and check out our blog and comment. Thank You.

    Roman Dolinay

  4. I have found an article that expands the understanding of GM crop drifts and how they occur. It talks about how through pollination of crops between GM crops and non-GM crops, that the non-GM crops can be infected with the selected genes that were placed into the specific GM crop that it has received pollen from. Not only does it explain how this occurs, but it also suggests how to prevent it from happening. The link to the website is: http://www.gmeducation.org/environment/p149075-contamination%20of%20crops%20.html
