Thursday, October 4, 2012

Global Food Shortage and American Consumption

This is wheat, one of the worlds most abundantly grown crops suffering from food drought.

Global Food Shortage Becomes Urgent As Planet Warms

Written By: Robert Roy Britt 

Date: 5/6/11 



URL For Website and Picture:


 Due to the most recent changes in climate, global strikes of food shortage are starting to show up. This is just only one of the factors though. It is also said to be caused by our never ending growing population and our scarce water supply in certain areas around the world. This is causing more and more people to be left without food and going hungry. The biggest problem though is that it has been recorded that Americans tend to throw away 40 percent of there food and individually each person throws away 50 percent. With the efforts of trying to produce more food, Americans are not helping by just dumping away perfectly good food that can be eaten by someone who really needs it around the world.
My opinion on this situation is that we need to address to our nation to stop throwing away perfectly healthy and edible food, while other countries are starving with not one bit of food to spare. I for one will now think twice before throwing away any of my uneaten food, just thinking of the others who could easily be having it instead of being put in a landfill.

1 comment:

  1. This article should be checked out because it gives a good look at the amount of food we as Americans are consuming and eating, and what kind of food we are wasting.
